Quick Start Guide

Here are some step-by-step instructions and videos to help you get up and running with EAGLE quickly. You can play around with the editor on our public installation. The rest of this document provides a detailed description of the functionality and usage of EAGLE.

Loading a Palette

EAGLE workflows are made up of components that represent executable code or data that will be called when the graph is executed. To simplify the process of creating a workflow, multiple components may be collected together in a palette designed for a certain domain, such as Radio Astronomy.

To load a palette from a GitHub repository, you first need to create a GitHub Personal Access Token. The steps required are demonstrated in this video.

Creating a new graph

You can begin creating a new graph by using the “New” menu and selecting “Create New Graph”. With a palette already loaded, the components may be added to the workspace. Things to keep in mind are:

  • Components processed by each node on the cluster are set as parents, with components processed by GPUs on each node set as children.

  • Selecting “Memory” for Data Components minimises the number of times data is moved around.

The following video provides a walkthrough for the creation of a specific graph, showing many of the features used to construct a workflow in EAGLE. A video providing a brief background overview of this workflow may be viewed here, with a more detailed presentation available here.

Saving a graph to gitHub

To save a graph to GitHub, you will need to add a repository that you have permission to write to. You may need to create a new repository if you don’t already have access to one.

Similarly to loading a palette, a GitHub Personal Access Token is required to save a graph to a repository. These steps are repeated in the following video, as well as adding a custom repository.